Stafford Garden Club wins the Lucille Schavoir Award
From the Town of Stafford:
We are incredibly proud to announce that the Stafford Garden Club was presented with the Lucille Schavoir Award by The Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut, Inc., at their 91st Annual Meeting last week. Established in 1978, this award may be awarded annually to a club for outstanding garden club work during the awards year. The Federation Awards Committee makes the recommendation from the club projects submitted to the committee chairs. This award is considered the highest award presented to a club.
The Stafford Garden Club (SGC) earned this incredible honor for their 2019 Tricentennial gardening designs that adorned our town’s Main Street and villages with colorful plantings during spring, summer, and fall, followed by holiday decorations that enlivened WinterFest and “Future Night” festivities. Photos displayed here were part of their submission entry and a tribute to SGC members whose dedication, commitment, and persistence created and maintained every design and planting that was enjoyed by the community and all who visited Stafford.
This is a highly competitive, prestigious award and testament to the club's hard work and longstanding dedication. We not only extend our congratulations, but heartfelt gratitude to the Stafford Garden Club volunteers for their tireless efforts in growing community pride and making our home a more beautiful place to live. You are truly treasured. THANK YOU!
Outstanding work during the year: 22 hanging baskets, 100 flats in 1,300 plants, 55-gallon watering cart wheeled through town twice a day; flowers maintained 100% by club members.